My Secrets to Stamina
My Secrets to Stamina
Interview: Keepin' it in the Family w/ Robin & Jeff Selden
Can we even believe it?!
It's the LAST episode of 2023!
I want to truly thank you all for tuning into this platform and listening to not only myself, but the amazing guests I've had on this year. Thank you for your continued support and I will continue to bring that FIRE into next year!
For our last episode, I welcome two people who have become such good friends, clients and let’s be honest, I think I'm probably the 3rd Selden sibling! 😊 I have know the brother and sister duo, Robin & Jeff Selden for years through engage and then began supporting their team’s development efforts through sales & leadership support. We've developed a great partnership!
Robin and Jeff Selden of Marcia Selden Catering are continuing the legacy of their iconic mother, Marcia who continues to lead the way for this iconic brand. They have changed the game when it comes to producing the best luxury catering events with gourmet creations throughout NYC, Connecticut and all over. It’s a family run group of first class foodies and treasure the fact that it started in their mom’s kitchen 40 years ago! They are not only culinary gurus & party perfectors, they are a complete joy to be around and have so much knowledge to share with the world!
Enjoy! Wishing you all an incredible holiday and new year - see you somewhere in the world in 2024!
Contact & Follow Cindy!
Follow on Instagram at cindy_novotny, Facebook and LinkedIn for every day inspirational posts.
Email at cindynovotny@masterconnection.com